Hope you are all well and had a great weekend. Today I am thrilled to hand over to Kascha from Pumulani Lodge who is giving us a lovely update on what’s been happening on Lake Malawi:

“The travel season in Malawi is in full swing. Guests from all over the world have visited the lodge in the last months. Finding their way to Pumulani by transfer, on their own – some with a hired vehicle, and others with motorcycles travelling through Africa. It’s a must come to destination in Malawi – even if it is just a break from a business trip.
The season is changing, and we are trading our cool mornings and evenings for a more humid feel. Middays are warm and sunny – perfect for any water activities. Our surroundings have changed to more bright spring colours, with darker greens and some flowers budding. Although the water levels remain high – Lake Malawi remains mesmerizing, and the adventures here have been nonstop.
The adventurers at heart – do early morning hikes up the mountain – which has a breath-taking view. Explorers enjoy Star Beach and kayak back; and those who love water go snorkeling, diving, fun-tubing and swimming. This season the fish are plentiful, and the guests really enjoyed the trip to Thembi Island. Families enjoy the Village visits and spending time by the pool. The telescopes offer up stunning views of the night sky. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced sky watcher – 4 a.m. is the time to experience the fabulous views of galaxies and planets here at Pumulani.
Bird viewing has certainly been a highlight – spotting beautiful Bea-Eaters, Tropical Fly Catchers, and Kingfishers at the pond. Some have also managed to spot the elusive Pel’s Fishing Owl after 5 days of hide and seek. As always, the majestic Fish Eagles on the Lake do not disappoint when sweeping down for their daily catch.
The team has gone above and beyond to ensure that guests enjoy their stay – and experience the warm heart of Africa with their friendly nature, and attentive service. With many of our guests arriving as strangers and leaving as friends.
The kitchen team provides a buffet selection at breakfast, light lunches, local Malawian cuisine, and 3 course dinners for guests to enjoy. Chambo has been a must have – and guests really enjoy this fish option, unique to Lake Malawi.
Pumulani has become a destination where all can slow down, reflect and connect with nature and each other. A setting that allows the opportunity to play, laugh and have fun together.
A local music band have provided some entertainment at night – encompassing the warm heart of Africa. As the beautiful sounds of music fade into the night – we greet you from Pumulani.”

Wow! Thanks so much for the news, Kascha, I’m feeling rather jealous as this all sounds heavenly. We can’t wait to come back to visit soon and cool off in the beautiful lake waters. With so much wonder from Lake Malawi, I shall bid you a very fond farewell. I hope that you have a smashing week ahead with plenty of smiles and laughter and don’t forget to look after one another.