Well, hello there. I hope that you are fabulously well and have had a lovely weekend. Here in the Luangwa Valley, things are going swimmingly well as we gear up for our beloved River Journeys next month, which is always heaps of fun! However, before I get too carried away with my Emerald Season banter, I am going to hand you over to Kascha at Pumulani Lodge to give you news from the beautiful Lake Malawi, Kascha over to you:
“Here on Lake Malawi, the rains are in full swing and the that smell off wet soil has filled the air with the most delightful earthy smell. The skies are dramatic, and so are the thunderstorms that give rise to some incredible light shows, as the lightening dances on the Lake.
After a memorable season and lots of festive fun in December, we sadly bid farewell to our last guests on the 9th of January and since then it’s been all systems go as our annual maintenance period kicked in.
While there is lots to do, we are often pleasantly distracted by the beauty of the Lake and the surrounding hills. The landscape has been transformed into a lush green oasis and we had the privilege to enjoy some incredible birdlife. The Pel’s Owl greets us often in the evenings after sunset, and even surprised us with another appearance on the beach on some mornings. There are also brightly colored – flamboyant Bee-eaters catching insects for lunch, as well as monochromatic pied king fisher’s hovering above the water waiting for their next meal, and of course the unforgettable call of the fish eagle reminds us of just how much of a bird haven Pumulani Lodge is.
Besides the birdlife, one cannot talk about Lake Malawi without talking about the dramatic sunsets which simply take your breath away and are best enjoyed from our beautiful new dhow which is an absolute hit with our guests.
The Pumulani team are working hard to get the Lodge looking it’s best, and we cannot wait to welcome you back to the brightest star on Lake Malawi for a new season.”
Wonderful thanks so much Kascha, we are looking forward to hearing more from Pumulani when the season kicks off in March.
In other news the Nkwali pride of lions continue to be seen regularly over the last few weeks with appearances at Robin’s Bridge as well as in our junior staff compound which certainly caused havoc! The elephants are feasting on the fresh green shoots and everywhere you look there are baby impala and warthogs zooming around.